Monthly Pricing - 01/06/2021

Brent crude prices reached pre-pandemic levels of above $70/bbl in the middle of May as investors remained hopeful that oil demand would greatly increase later this year.

GBP hit its second highest level since April 2018 of 1.42 against USD in May, as the UK eased restrictions on household mixing, indoor hospitality and international travel.

The US Colonial Pipeline, which carries 2.5mb/d and supplies 45% of the East Coast’s diesel, was hit by a cyberattack that forced the pipeline operator to close operations.

Price Drivers

Supply Port Arthur sees 45% production cut after cyberattack. US oil rig count rises by 4 week-on-week to 356.
Demand The sale of fuel in India fell by 20% in the first half of May. OPEC maintains its 2021 demand growth forecast at 6 mbpd.
Geo-Political US and Iran nuclear talks reach their final round. India reaches 400,000 daily covid-19 cases.