Monthly Pricing - 01/05/2019

Brent Crude prices increased over 6% in April, reaching a high of $75/bbl for the first time since Nov 2018, amid Iranian sanctions and further problems in Venezuela.

GBP weakened during April, as Brexit progress was halted following the agreement of a six month extension period, ending the month around 1.3000 against USD.

Russian oil exports to the majority of European countries have been stopped due to contaminated crude caused by excess chlorides in the Druzhba pipeline system.

Price Drivers

Supply Saudi willing to increase production to plug Iran gap. US crude production reached a high of 12.2mbpd.
Demand IMF reduces its UK growth forecast from 3.5% to 3.3%. China’s economy outgrew expectations by 0.1% in April.
Geo-Political US cancels all sanctions waivers on Iranian oil. Libyan conflict - rebels conduct air strike on Tripoli.