Monthly Pricing - 03/05/2022

Brent crude began the month at $104.92/bbl, reaching a mid-month peak of $114.28/bbl caused by fuel supply uncertainties globally, then ending April at $108.54/bbl.

GBP depreciated sharply throughout April, beginning at $1.308 then consistently declining due to an uncertain economic outlook, before finishing the month at $1.255.

The Russo-Ukrainian conflict entered its third month, with a Western coalition considering an outright ban on Russian fuel as sanctions against the country tightened.


Price Drivers

Supply OPEC+ agrees to a small output increase for June. Russian oil production rates fell to below 10m bpd.  
Demand Lockdown of Chinese cities causes global demand to decline. Poland saw fuel demand surge caused by influx of refugees.  
Geo-political Libya halves production output due to civil unrest. EU aims to end dependency on Russian gas by 2027.